Treasure in the attic!

Week 36 – Joe The “loft” area is located above the master bedroom.  It overlooks the common area of the 2nd floor and would normally just be considered attic space.  It has been an area much discussed, but up until now, not touched. Amy and I determined a long time ago that we would like…

More demo, more treasure

Week 15 – Joe We have had a little lull in demo work while finishing up our floor plans and lining up subcontractors.  During this time I have kept progress moving forward by continuing with the windows.  All the kitchen windows have been stripped, scraped, sanded, repaired, and primed.  I have also removed 5 other…

Things we found in the walls

Week 12 – Amy A few years ago we did some renovation work on our current house. This required tearing down a wall and busting into some floors. Since our house is over 140 years old, I was certain we would find an artifact of some sort. Maybe an old photograph, a bottle or perhaps…